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Data Pipeline Snapshots: Human Resources


The Human Resources collection contains all general education staff information as of the official staff count date. This information is used for school staff demographics, average salaries by position and education level, highly qualified status for teachers and paraprofessionals, turnover rates and educator effectiveness ratings.

2024-2025 Educator Shortage Survey

Colorado state statute and Federal law require CDE to report educator shortage data annually to provide support for shortage areas and for continuation of financial benefits. Each district must complete the annual Educator Shortage Survey prior to obtaining CDE approval on the 2024-2025 Human Resources Snapshot. The survey should only be completed once for each district by appropriate staff. The district’s Human Resource team may be in the best position to respond to the survey. The 2024-2025 Educator Shortage Survey will be available beginning November 1, 2024 at the following link: 2024-2025 Educator Shortage Survey.


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