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Public Reporting of Special Education Data

State of Colorado Special Education Data

Section 618 of IDEA requires states to report to the Secretary of Education and the public on the equity of services provided under IDEA for various subgroups. The data reports below summarize Colorado’s annual data submissions to the Secretary of Education:

Child Count and Educational Environment

Disciplinary Removals of Children with Disabilities

Participation and Achievement in the State Assessments

Maintenance of Effort (MOE) and Coordinated Early Intervention Services (CEIS)

To learn about Colorado's special education data in comparison to other states or nations, please visit IDEA Data Center's Interactive Public Reporting Engine (will open a new webpage)

Administrative Units Special Education Data

Some of the state-level special education data posted above are disaggregated at the Administrative Unit level:

Child Count and Educational Environment

Disciplinary Removals of Children with Disabilities

Students with Disabilities Compared to Total Enrollment

Medically Necessary Services

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) publicly reports data in a number of topic areas. Data that is not publicly available may be requested by the process delineated on the CDE Data Requests webpage.

For more information, contact:

Orla Bolger
Supervisor, Data and Monitoring Liaison
Email Orla Bolger
Phone: (720) 921-0524

Josh Fails
Online Project Coordinator (DMS) & Data Consultant
Email Josh Fails
Phone: (720) 618-0538

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