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State Agency Contact Information

The Library has Moved!   

 The Colorado State Publications Library has moved to 180 Sheridan Blvd, Denver, CO 80226-8101. You can contact us through email or leave a voicemail at 720-955-5230. The library email is [email protected] 
 Printed documents may be sent through the USPS mail, interagency mail or dropped off at the library. The library is open to the public from 9am - 4pm Monday through Friday. Arrangements can be made to drop off materials outside of library hours. Please call 720-955-5230 or email [email protected]. As usual, send digital documents (pdf/URL) to [email protected] 

In order to assist the State Publications Library in acquiring both print and electronic publications, state agencies provide a contact person to serve as liaisons. The following links contain valuable information for state agency contacts as well as for other state employees.

For additional information, E-Mail [email protected]