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Colorado Department of Education Professional Development

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Indigenous Students with Exceptionalities Course

Audience: Advocates, Educators, Other District/School Staff, Parents | Topic: English Learners, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format. Indigenous Students with Exceptionalities Course
On-Demand format

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Welcoming and Understanding our Indigenous Students and Those with Exceptionalities.

This is a four-part course comprised of an Introduction and three Modules. This work is the result of the collaborative efforts of the Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute Tribes, Fort Lewis College, and the Colorado Department of Education. It is an open-source format designed to be accessible to anyone interested in learning more about best practices for providing culturally and linguistically relevant and sustaining education to the Native American learners, families, and Tribal communities with whom we work. There is a note catcher that corresponds to each course component for you to capture your learning. Additionally, you will find support documents and websites to further your learning. You may take this course at your own pace. If you choose to take the quizzes at the end of each course component, you will be eligible for up to 4 hours of recertification credit. Thank you for your interest in this project.

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Module 1: Factors in Equitable and Appropriate Education

Essential Question: What are cultural and linguistic factors that should be considered when providing instruction to Native American students and to those who also have exceptionalities?

In this module, you will learn about cultural and linguistic factors that may impact student performance if culturally responsive and relevant teaching is not in place. You can apply your learning from this module to your practice no matter your role. You will understand how the intercultural ideas of language and ability play out for students, families, tribal communities, and educators. Upon completing this module, you will be ready to delve deeper in module 2.

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Module 2: Systematic Supports and Resources

Essential Question: What are actionable steps we can take to provide culturally relevant and linguistically responsive education to our Native learners and those with exceptionalities?

Module 2 is comprised of three videos, 1. Seeking to Understand, 2. Leveraging Language, and 3. Ways of Viewing Ability. In this module, you will analyze the pitfalls and limitations of current systemic practices in providing responsive and appropriate learning for Native learners. Upon completion, you will be able to clearly describe the adaptations that schools and districts can make to provide a richer, more welcoming, and responsive educational experience to Native learners and those with exceptionalities.

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Module 3: Instructional Strategies

Essential Question: What Strategies can educators utilize to maximize instruction for Native American students and those with exceptionalities?

Module 3 provides useful ideas to provide a more relevant classroom experience to Native learners by adapting approaches to classroom management, language learning, and cognitive engagement, and by examining broad cultural patterns.

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Questions about this course?

Please contact the Multilingual Learners with Disabilities Specialist, Hunter Smith.

Email Hunter Smith

Contact Information

Amanda Timmerman
[email protected]


If you choose to take the quizzes at the end of each course component, you will be eligible for up to 4 hours of recertification credit.

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