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Guides to State Information

The State Publications Library staff compile in-depth guides to current state government information that is available in both hard copy and on the Internet. These lists reflect selected titles on popular subjects of interest to the general public in the library collection. Along with these more detailed lists, there is selection of "Quick Guides to State Information" that are brief resource lists on current topics.

Subject Guides

Other Resources

  • Colorado Revised Statutes
    This link takes you to the Lexis/Nexis site where you can do a free information search.
  • Colorado Library Law 
    The Colorado Library Law provides a legal framework for library operations and responsibilities including the role of the Colorado State Library.
  • Colorado State Agency Databases
    An annotated list of free databases produced by Colorado state agencies.
  • Links to State Information by Subject
    Links to State of Colorado information on a wide variety of subjects.
  • New Titles List
    Every month the State Publications Library publishes an alphabetical listing of state documents acquired that month. They are new to the library collection. However, these titles may not always have recent publication dates because the library periodically adds older gift titles that are included in the list.
  • Colorado Legislative Council Research Publications
    This site provides a digital collection with searchable access to all Colorado Legislative Council Research Publications, links to relevant legislation for newer publications, and information on performing legislative history research at the state and federal level. This was a project of The Westminster Law Library at the University of Denver's Sturm College of Law.
  • Colorado Session Laws
    “Colorado Session Laws” is a digital replica of the print Colorado Session Law volumes as published by the State of Colorado. All volumes were drawn from the William A. Wise Law Library’s collection at the University of Colorado Boulder and digitized with the permission of the State of Colorado. Coverage: 1861 - 1991.

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