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Special Education Guidance and Technical Assistance
The Office of Special Education has provided guidance and technical assistance documents in a variety of areas related to Special Education.
Behavior | Disabilities | ECEA | ESP | FBA | Health | IEP | IDEA | Learning | McKinney-Vento | Mental Health | Multilingual Learners | OSEP Q&A |Out-of-Home Placement | Pre-School | Reading-Math | Speech Language Pathologist | Transition | Other
Brain Injury
Eligibility Categories Guidance
The following documents provide a comprehensive overview of the HB11-1277 history/next steps/timelines, the context of Multi-Tiered System of Supports, information specific to twice exceptional learners, and the definition/eligibility criteria for each of the disability categories.
Disability Categories
Autism Spectrum Disorder Guidance
- Guidelines for the Educational Evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Revised Aug., 2020)(PDF)
- Spanish Version - Guidelines for the Educational Evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Revised Aug., 2020)(PDF)
Development Delay
Serious Emotional Disability
Specific Learning Disabilities
- SLD: Evaluation and Eligibility Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
- Cultural and/or Linguistic Diversity and SLD Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
- Gifted and SLD (Twice Exceptional) Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
- Triennial Reevaluation and Continued Eligibility Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
Traumatic Brain Injury
Colorado's Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA)
Educational Surrogate Parent (ESP)
- Special Education and Educational Surrogate Parents - Technical Assistance and Training Manual 2023 (PDF)
- Educational Surrogate Parent (ESP) Guidance Memo, June 2018 (PDF)
- Assignment of an ESP Form 2023-2024 (PDF)
- ECEA Rules regarding ESPs (1 CCR 301-8, 2220-R-6.02(8) (PDF)
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
- Emergency Medications on the Bus Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
- Role of the School Nurse: Students with Special Needs Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- IEP Training for Foster Parents (House Bill 09-1078), January 27, 2010 (ask beth where it should go)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- The Consideration of Clinical Diagnoses in the Educational Identification of Disabilities in Accordance with IDEA 2004 (PDF)
- Consideration of Special Factors: "Unique" Communication Needs (PDF)
- Making Least Restrictive Environment Placement Decisions for Preschoolers (PDF)
- Reading and Math Interventionists in Special Education (PDF) - (in process of review) New codes that allow flexibility for the use of interventionists in Special Education
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Mental Health
- Guide to School-Based Mental Health Services and Professionals in Colorado (PDF)
- Social Skills (PDF)
Multilingual Learners (ML)
- Students who are Newcomers: Considerations for Special Education (PDF)
- Multilingual Learners Identified or Suspected of having Educational Disabilities: Enrollment Scenarios Flowchart (PDF)
- Multilingual Learner Family Interview Questions - Building Trust and Mutual Understanding (PDF)
- Multilingual Learner Processing Guide (PDF)
Office of Special Education Programs has issued the following Guidance and Q&A Documents
- Questions and Answers for K-12 Pub. Schs. in the Current COVID-19 Environment (OCR 9/28/20)
Out-of-Home Placement
- FAPE for Preschool Special Education Students (PDF)
- OSEP LRE/FAPE Letter, January 2017 (US Department of Education webpage)
- DCL: A Response to Intervention Process Cannot Be Used to Delay-Deny an Evaluation for Preschool Special Education Services (US Department of Education webpage)
- Reading and Math Interventionists Supporting Students in Special Education - in the process of review
Speech Language Pathologists (SLP)
- SLP/OT/PT Services, April 1, 2009
- Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) Technical Assistance Document (PDF)
Adult and Community Agencies
Voting Rights and Responsibilities
- TA: Voting Rights and Responsibilities (English) (PDF)
- TA: Voting Rights and Responsibilities (Spanish) (PDF)
Transition Planning
Transition Services for 18-21 Year Olds
- TA: Transition Services for 18-21 Year Olds (English) (PDF)
- TA: Transition Services for 18-21 Year Olds (Spanish) (PDF)
Transfer for Students Receiving 18-21 Transition Services
- TA: Transfer for Students Receiving 18-21 Transition Services (English) (PDF)
- TA: Transfer for Students Receiving 18-21 Transition Services (Spanish) (PDF)
Student Count Requirements for 18-21 Year Old Students
School to Work Alliance Program
- TA: School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) (English) (PDF)
- TA: School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) (Spanish) (PDF)
Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
- TA: Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) (English) (PDF)
- TA: Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) (Spanish) (PDF)
Graduation and Diplomas
Grading and Transcripts
Concurrent Enrollment
Important Ages and Milestones
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