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Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), Standards, and Accommodations

Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Overview

More information coming soon! 

Instructional Standards and Adaptations for Students with a Disability

Alternate Achievement Standards and Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines

DLM Essential Elements and Instructional Resources

  • Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements
    Picture: Dynamic Learning Maps TM Medium


Educator Resources

State Assessment

Instructional Accommodations 

2015-2016 Colorado Instructional Accommodations Manual: A Guide to the Selection and Implementation of Accommodations for Students with Disability

PLEASE NOTE: Accommodations manual is in the process of being updated. The general content is still relevant. The manual will be updated to ensure that newer technologies may be added to exampled accommodations. 

Updated Version Coming Soon

The Colorado Instructional Accommodations Manual provides guidance for IEP Teams and educators, presents a Five-Step Process for the selection and implementation of instructional accommodations. It offers tools and suggestions for using technology for students with a disability to best access instructional context.

Part 1: Instructional Accommodations

Accessing Statewide Assessments

Assessment Accommodations Manuals

Instructional Shifts and Instructional Implications for Students with a Disability

For more information, please contact:

For Colorado Academic Standards:

Tanni Anthony
Email Tanni Anthony
Phone: 303-503-4647

For Alternate Achievement Standards:

Gina Herrera
Email Gina Herrera
Phone: 303-253-0451

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