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READ Act -Independent Evaluation of Colorado READ


The Colorado State Legislature passed the Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act in 2012 and updated the Act in 2019. The revised Act requires an independent evaluation to identify and assess strategies that the state, local districts, and schools have taken to support Colorado students in achieving proficiency in reading pursuant to C.R.S. 22-7-1208 (8). In 2019 West Ed was chosen as the vedor to support this work and complete the evaluation. 

Evaluation Summary Reports

Each contracted year, West Ed provides a final evaluation summary report. The reports below are based on annual evaluation summaries provided by West Ed. The reports include statewide inventories and virtual site visits conducted along with analysis of achievement and financial data held by CDE.

Materials Written Report

These supplemental reports focus on the findings related to approved assessments, advisory lists for Instructional Programming and Professional Development, and the Colorado Department of Education’s processes for selecting materials for these lists.

Individual Reports

The individual reports and documents referenced in the Per-Pupil Written Summary Report and Materials Written Summary Report reports are available for public viewing upon request.

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