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Professional Learning Opportunities

Tiered Professional Learning

The CDE Early Childhood Special Education Team uses a tiered approach to assist Administrative Units in the continuous improvement of their programs that includes:

  • Pointing AUs to learning modules created by technical assistance centers that can meet learning needs in foundations of universal practices for early childhood professionals
  • Providing targeted professional learning focused on specific topics and skills
  • Supporting intensive and extended learning opportunities to promote systems change

Our goal is to customize professional learning that optimizes resources to effectively meet professional learning needs resulting in improved outcomes for students. Professional learning opportunities are categorized from foundational to intensive. More detailed information can be found through the links provided below.

Currently Available from the CDE Early Childhood Special Education Team

Adapt to Impact

The Colorado Department of Education is collaborating with the University of Colorado’s Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering on the Adapt to Impact initiative to enhance support for young children  with disabilities. The project focuses on promoting universal design, applying simple adaptations and technologies, and building childcare workforce capacity to support equitable access to inclusive and supportive learning environments for young children with disabilities.

More information and a link to register

Participation-Based IEPs in Early Childhood

This blended and flexible learning opportunity will explore the process of authentic assessment informing the priorities for creating a high quality IEP for young children with disabilities. The writing of goals that connect to the child's impact of their disability on daily routines and activities will be addressed while analyzing the elements in goals that make them functional and within reach.

More information and a link to register

Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs

Diving In! Engaging With the New Child Find Guidelines - This is a self-paced module on engaging with the newly revised Colorado Department of Education Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs, ages three through five years old. The module itself contains a short series of slides describing the guidelines. Participants will then be asked to identify activities to help their team engage with this important resource.

More information and a link to register

Communicating with Primary Care: How to Improve AU Efficiency through Better Partnership with the Medical Community - This is a  self-paced module presented by the Colorado Department of Education for Child Find staff, in partnership with Assuring Better Child Health and Development (or ABCD). Collaborating with primary care providers is critical to a successful Child Find program. The medical community has consistently been one of the most important sources of referrals to Child Find.  Developmental screening is an integral part of a well child checkup.  In this webinar, Coordinators will learn how to solidify the communication between these partners.

More information and a link to register

Partnership, Collaboration and Screening - Based on the newly revised CDE Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs (ages three through five years old), participants will learn about best practices in coordinating early childhood systems for screening activities. Technical assistance can be accessed by submitting a self-assessment at the end of the module.

More information and a link to register

Continuous Quality Improvement: Tools for Improving Program Evaluation - This module will focus on continuous quality improvement as it pertains to evaluating the child find process. Note that our focus on evaluating the child find process, or the effectiveness of this program, is distinct from evaluating individual children.


Improving Assessment, Preschool Services and Supports for Culturally, Linguistically and Diverse Children

This blended self-paced course, intended for team engagement, brings content developed by Clara Perez Mendez and Dr. Susan Moore of Puentes Culturales into a comprehensive examination of evidence-based practices for young children and their families whose background is culturally, linguistically, and/or ability diverse. The course consists of five learning modules that cover the following topics:

Module 1—Developing Leadership Capacity
Module 2—Understanding the Language Development of Children Learning More than One Language
Module 3—Reliable and Valid Assessment of Dual Language Learning: Stages, Processes, & Procedures
Module 4—Culturally Responsive Teaching
Module 5—Partnerships with Teachers in ECE Classrooms & Settings: Consultation, Collaboration, & Coaching.

Individuals may register. Contact Marcia Blum for more information.

More information and link to register

Dual Language Learners Webinar Series

This self-paced learning opportunity consists of four recorded webinars in partnership with Puentes Culturales. Suggested readings are also provided.

Beyond Words
Part 1: Effective Collaboration with Families, Interpreters, Translators, and Special Educators
Part 2: Teaming & Collaboration with Cultural Mediators and Cultural Liaisons

The Benefits of Bilingualism

Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching of Young Dual Language Learners

More information and a link to register

Preschool Outcomes: A Data Dialogue on OSEP Indicator 7 Reporting

This module is for Special Education Administrators and Early Childhood Personnel who are involved with the OSEP reporting of Preschool Outcomes. It is designed to promote understanding of the three global child outcomes and how they fit into the ESSU's Results Driven Accountability System. Rating levels, progress categories and data quality will also be discussed.

More information and a link to register

Principles for Principals: Leading and Adapting Learning in Inclusive Preschools

This presentation is adapted from a live webinar, Principles for Principals: Getting Preschoolers with a Disability Off to a Great Start presented by the Exceptional Student Services Unit Preschool Team and is related to providing quality special education services to all students with a disability. This information will aid in understanding the connection between preschool principles and practices, IEP requirements, and educational performance for preschool aged children.

More information and a link to register

Early Transition Modules

These self-paced learning opportunities can be accessed through the CDE Learning Management System, please sign in as a guest.

Module 1: Early Childhood Transition Overview

This module is an overview of transition from Early Intervention to Preschool Special Education and from Preschool Special Education to Kindergarten. We encourage you to share this link with families, classroom staff, service providers, administrators, service coordinators and other Early Intervention collaborators.

Module 2: Early Transition Preparation and Adjustment for Children and Families

Learn more about the key elements of child and family preparation and adjustment related to transition to preschool and kindergarten. This interactive module is research-based, practical, and includes downloadable transition tools and resources.

Targeted Professional Learning: Narrowing the Focus

These targeted workshops developed by CDE have focused content and require a commitment building upon foundations that are previously accessed by the participants.

  • There may be prerequisites for participation.
  • There may be ongoing feedback from the facilitators. Teams should plan for full participation and follow-up activities.
  • Reflection and group activities will be in a face-to-face setting that can either be live or through a virtual classroom.
  • To complete the learning experience, participants are expected to transfer the knowledge to practice.

Early Childhood Special Educator Community of Practice (CoP)

The community of practice will explore the relationship between inclusion, Specially Designed Instruction, and direct service in an inclusive classroom. ECSEs are invited to come for shared learning, to engage with experts, and build relationships. Teams and individuals are welcome whether they are itinerant service providers or lead classroom teachers. Anyone in a leadership position who oversees ECSEs will also gain insight to support inclusive practices in early childhood. Topics will be chosen based upon group interest. Commitment to attend the entire series is not required. Link to Register for the ECSE CoP

Dates and Times for the 2024-25 School Year will be:

  • September 25, 2024  at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
  • October 17, 2024 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
  • November 21, 2024 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
  • December 11, 2024 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
  • January 23, 2025 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
  • February 19, 2025 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
  • March 13, 2025 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
  • April 9, 2025 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Link to Flyer for more information

Targeted Professional Learning icon

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment and Intervention

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, Second Edition (TPBA-2) is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow process for assessing four critical developmental domains—sensori-motor, emotional and social, communication, and cognitive—through observation of the child's play with family members, peers, and professionals. This training is for those individuals who are joining existing trained teams, or for full teams who have a commitment to implementing and sustaining TPBA-2 practices. Please contact Marcia Blum for information.

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Intervention, 2nd Edition (TPBI-2), Understanding Underlying Processes that Influence Development
The focus of this training is on a framework for evaluating critical developmental processes that impact children’s learning. This is a view of the whole child as aspects of each process crosses disciplines and focuses the unique needs that young children in preschool need to access daily routines and engage with peers. Bridging the gap between play-based assessment and classroom instruction will support the development of multiple skills across domains. This training is for those who are implementing TPBA practices at a high level of fidelity. Contact Marcia Blum for more information.

Intensive Learning Communities

These year long opportunities require a team commitment and system level supports from the Administrative Unit. A selection process occurs based application and assessed need in consultation with the Administrative Unit. Components of this professional learning can include:

  • Coaching and mentoring support to individuals and teams
  • Formation of a professional learning community (PLC) or Community of Practice (CoP)
  • A blended format of workshops, webinars, and follow-up team meetings
  • Use of video coaching

Intensive Learning Communities icon

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, 2nd Edition (TPBA-2) Certification and Coaching

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, Second Edition (TPBA2) is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow process for assessing four critical developmental domains—sensorimotor, emotional and social, communication, and cognitive—through observation of the child's play with family members, peers, and professionals. These trainings are for AU leadership teams who are already practicing TPB Assessment to fidelity and are interested in advancing and sustaining their practices.

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, 2nd Edition (TPBA-2), Follow Up Visit and Observation Feedback
If your team has been trained by CDE and Early Learning Dynamics in the last five years and you have not received an individualized site visit to observe and give feedback on your practices, please consider requesting a visit. Please contact Marcia Blum if you know this is a need for your team. Space is limited and observations are being scheduled on a first come first serve basis.

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, 2nd Edition (TPBA-2), Play Facilitator Training
This is a customized training for those who have already been trained and are implementing TPBA practices as a play facilitator. There will be greater intensity focused on practicing these skills during the training with children who are receiving a child find assessment. Coaching and feedback is provided as necessary to become certified as a Play Facilitator. As a result, the training will be limited in participants and preference will be given to those individuals who can attest to their current TPBA-2 skill set and commitment to continued practice through the application process.

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, 2nd Edition (TPBA-2), Parent Facilitator Training
This is a customized training for those individuals who have already been trained and are implementing TPBA practices as a parent facilitator. Similar to the play facilitator training, the focus of this training is for participants already implementing TPBA-2 and acting primarily as the team’s parent facilitator. There will be opportunities to practice parent facilitation skills and receive coaching and feedback from peers as well as the trainer. Coaching and feedback is provided as necessary to become certified as a Parent Facilitator. As a result, the training will be limited in participants and preference will be given to those individuals who can attest to their current TPBA-2 skill set and commitment to continued practice through the application process.

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, 2nd Edition (TPBA-2), Coaching Certification
This is a customized training for AU teams that have progressed through all TPBA-2 trainings through CDE and Early Learning Dynamics. The outcome of participation is that teams will sustain and lead TPBA practices.

Contact Marcia Blum for information about any of the TPBA-2 opportunities.

Regional and Statewide Child Find and Preschool Special Education Meetings

Meetings offer opportunities for CDE to present information, provide technical assistance, support shared learning and networking among coordinators. Meetings are designed for the designated Child Find Coordinator(s) and Preschool Special Education Administrators of each Special Education Administrative Unit.

CDE Fall Early Childhood Special Education Meetings

Meetings occur in the Fall of each school year in several locations across the state, typically in from late September to early November. These collaborative opportunities are for early childhood leaders in the field who are special education administrators that oversee preschool special education, Child Find Coordinators, and Special Education Directors. Meetings are designed for addressing the needs of these leaders and attendance is limited to these roles.

Contact Marcia Blum for more information or past resources.

CDE Statewide Early Childhood Special Education Meeting

The statewide meeting is held in early spring of each year. Sessions are provided to promote the continuous improvement of inclusive preschool practices and the leadership capacity of preschool special education administrators, Child Find Coordinators, and other administrators who oversee the preschool special education process.

Who should attend:

Early childhood leaders responsible for child identification and early childhood special education  are invited to attend. Leaders include:

  • Preschool Special Education Administrators
  • Child Find Coordinators
  • Special Education Directors
  • Other Leaders responsible for the implementation of programming and services for preschoolers with disabilities

February 27, 2025 registration is open. Link to the 2025 CDE Early Childhood Special Education State Meeting Website.

For more information, contact Marcia Blum.


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