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ESSU Data Management System (DMS)


The Data Management System (DMS) is a single sign-on system that assists Administrative Units (AUs) in meeting accountability requirements for Special Education and Gifted Education.

Log in to ESSU Ascend DMS

Ascend Announcements 

In response to feedback from the field, CDE made the decision to non-renew the contract with AnLar for the Ascend IEP system. To that end, Ascend will no longer be available as of July 1, 2022. Starting in the 2022-2023 school year, CDE will flow through IDEA dollars that would have been expended on the state-sponsored IEP system to AUs.  These funds may be used on any IDEA allowable activities, including the purchase of an electronic IEP system.  However, please note that there is no requirement that these funds be used by an AU to purchase an electronic IEP system.  The CDE will continue to contract with AnLar for the DMS.

AU staff responsible for working in the DMS should try logging into the new DMS as soon as possible to ensure that there are no login issues.  If AU staff do have issues logging into the Ascend DMS, please reach out to your AU LAM (Local Access Manager).  If your LAM can not resolve the issue, please reach out to Josh Fails

For help with Roles and Responsibilities, and SPED DMS guidance:
Josh Fails

Online Project Coordinator (DMS) & Data Consultant
Email Josh Fails
Phone: (720) 618-0538

For help with Roles and Responsibilities, and Gifted DMS guidance:
Heather Baskin
Assistant Director, Gifted Education
Email Heather Baskin
Phone: (720) 557-4528

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