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Colorado Department of Education Professional Development

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Autism and Early Childhood, Part 4 (4-Part Series) (Tri-State Webinar)

Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Autism, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format. Autism and Early Childhood, Part 4 (4-Part Series) (Tri-State Webinar)
On-Demand format

Presenters:  Lindy McDaniel M.S., Ed.
Originally aired April 28, 2016


Learner Objectives

Participants will learn:

  • strategies for moving structured play into the natural environment using a variety of visual supports.
  • ways to structure common play items to increase purposeful play.
  • an understanding of how to incorporate peers and friendship skills into structured play opportunities.


Study Questions

  1. What structures can you put in place within your classroom to support active engagement and appropriate play?
  2. Think of one toy or activity in your classroom that you would like children to learn how to play with more appropriately.   What visual supports, work systems, task boxes or environmental structures could you create to build success?

View the Webinar


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Contact Information

Rhonda Danner
[email protected]


After viewing the webinar please complete a brief Google evaluation to receive a certificate for 1 CDE training hour.  

Professional development events offers a certificate

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