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Colorado Department of Education Professional Development

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Executive Functioning and Unstuck and On Target Part 2 (Tri-State Webinar)

Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff, Parents | Topic: Autism | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format. Executive Functioning and Unstuck and On Target Part 2 (Tri-State Webinar)
On-Demand format

Originally aired: October 24, 2018
Presenter: Dr. Laura Anthony, Ph.D.


Learner Objectives

Participants will:

  • Increase your understanding of how to identify and teach executive functioning skills and accommodate executive functioning weaknesses
  • Describe the evidence we have that teaching these skills works well for elementary-aged students
  • Learn how to teach specific flexibility and planning skills using scripts or vocabulary and other tools 


Study Questions

  1. Unstuck and On Target teaching model includes: (select all that apply) 
    1. Flexibility
    2. Goal setting
    3. Planning
  2. Examples of a “can’t”include: 
    1. Stubborn, Oppositional, Self-centered
    2. Poor fine motor, Disorganized, Difficulting shifting
    3. Won’t put good ideas on paper
  3. Which answer reflects the sequence for the framework to teach new skills.
    1. Support, Prompt, Fade
    2. Model, Practice, Feedback
    3. Scaffold, Fade, Generalize
  4. Unstuck and On Target is designed for: (select all that apply)

    1. 8-11 year olds
    2. Students that may have ASD, ADHD, and/ or Anxiety
    3. Average IQ and at least a second grade language and reading ability

     5. What is the easiest way to fade your prompts? 

  1. Generalize the skills to new situations
  2. Use guiding questions instead of telling child what to do
  3. Provide scaffolding and accommodations as you are teaching new skills

View the Webinar

Other Parts of this Training:

Contact Information

CDE Autism Team
[email protected]


After viewing the webinar please complete a brief Google evaluation to receive a certificate for 1 CDE training hour.  

Professional development events offers a certificate

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