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Colorado Department of Education Professional Development

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Assessing, Preventing and Overcoming Reading Difficulties On-Demand Course

Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Learning Supports, Literacy, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format. Assessing, Preventing and Overcoming Reading Difficulties On-Demand Course
On-Demand format

Young female Hispanic teacher working with two young female students reading a book in the library.


 Through engagement in this series of 13 modules, participants will understand the current research, implications, and the essential elements necessary for assessing, preventing, and overcoming reading difficulties. 

This series was created in conjunction with David Kilpatrtick, PhD to compliment the information provided in his book Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties (Wiley, 2015). 

For any questions contact Emily Ottinger at [email protected].

Session 1 - Modules 1-4

  • Module 1 -Reading Research and the Research to Practice Gap
  • Module 2 - Current Approaches to Reading Instruction:  Why Many Learners Still Struggle
  • Module 3 - The simple view of Reading
  • Module 4 - Word-Level Reading

Approximate time to complete Modules 1-4 

 4 hours and 15 minutes

Certificate -

To receive a certificate for three (3) hours of recertification credit, participants must complete a brief evaluation survey and pass a ten (10) question quiz with a score of eight correct answers or higher. 

Session 2 - Modules 5-8

  • Module 5 - Reading Comprehension
  • Module 6 - Introduction to Reading Assessment; Assessing Phonological Skills
  • Module 7 - Assessing Phonics Skills
  • Module 8 - Assessing Word Identification and Reading Fluency

Approximate time to complete Modules 5-8

2 hours

Certificate -

To receive a certificate for three (3) hours of recertification credit, participants must complete a brief evaluation survey and pass a six (6) question quiz with a score of five correct answers or higher. 

Session 3 - Modules 9-13

  • Module 9 - Assessing Reading Comprehension and Related Skills
  • Module 10 - Effective Approaches for Preventing Reading
  • Module 11 - Effective Interventions for reading Difficulties
  • Module 12 - Case Examples of Reading Disabilities
  • Module 13 - Specific Learning Disability Identification

Approximate time to complete Modules 9-13

2 hours 

Certificate -

To receive a certificate for three (3) hours of recertification credit, participants must complete a brief evaluation survey and pass a ten (10) question quiz with a score of eight correct answers or higher. 


Contact Information

Emily Ottinger
[email protected]

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