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VII. Monthly AEI Data Monitoring
Each month, AEI Program Coordinators monitor data which has been entered into LACES for compliance against reporting requirements, for progress towards performance targets, and to identify any areas of strength or growth.
On the second Friday of each month grantees will check their LACES Monthly Monitoring Dashboard widgets to correct any data reporting errors in LACES. All errors and/or required comments must be corrected/entered in LACES by the deadline.
On the Monday following the second Friday of the month, AEI Program Coordinators will check each grantee’s LACES Monthly Monitoring Dashboard widgets for compliance. Any corrections not made will be sent to the grantee by the end of the month. Grantees will be asked to make corrections by the next monthly monitoring deadline.
Grantees may request technical assistance and support for completing the above monthly data review requirements from their AEI Program Coordinator. All communications regarding monthly LACES Data Monitoring will be sent to the LACES System Administrator, Primary Contact, and Secondary Contact listed in the grantee’s most recent Grant Continuation Application.
Grantees will need to check all of the widgets listed below each month:
Enrollment Alerts Widget
- NRS Participant – Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any NRS Participants who are not present and checking that all learners in the list are NRS Participants.
- Progress to NRS Participant Target - Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their total enrollment target from the grant continuation application.
- Subpopulation Target – Family Literacy - Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any Family Literacy learners who are not present and checking that all learners in the list are participating in a Family Literacy program. Grantees will make edits to the Primary Program field in learner records that need to be edited.
- Progress to Family Literacy Target - Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their Family Literacy enrollment target from the grant continuation application.
- Subpopulation Target – Corrections - Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any Correctional Education learners who are not present and checking that all learners in the list are participating in a Correctional Education program. Grantees will make edits to the Primary Program field in learner records that need to be edited.
- Progress to Corrections Target - Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their Correctional Education enrollment target from the grant continuation application.
- Subpopulation Target – Workplace Literacy - Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any Workplace Literacy learners who are not present and checking that all learners in the list are participating in a Workplace Literacy program. Grantees will make edits to the Primary Program field in learner records that need to be edited.
- Progress to Workplace Literacy Target - Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their Workplace Literacy enrollment target from the grant continuation application.
- Subpopulation Target – IELCE - Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any IELCE learners who are not present and checking that all learners in the list are participating in an IELCE funded program. Grantees will make edits to the Secondary Program field in learner records that need to be edited.
- Progress to IELCE Target - Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their IELCE enrollment target from the grant continuation application.
- Subpopulation Target – IETP - Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any IETP learners who are not present and checking that all learners in the list are participating in the Workforce Training Component of an IET program.
- Progress to IETP Target - Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their IET target from the grant continuation application.
- Learners with an SSN Reported – The AEI Office will follow up with grantees where the SSN reporting rate is significantly below the state average.
- SSN Reporting Rate – The AEI Office will follow up with grantees where the SSN reporting rate is significantly below the state average.
- Learners with an Employment Barrier Reported – The AEI Office will follow up with grantees where the Barriers to Employment reporting rate is significantly below the state average.
- Barriers to Employment Reporting Rate – The AEI Office will follow up with grantees where the Barriers to Employment reporting rate is significantly below the state average.
Assessment Alerts Widget
- Post-test Eligible TABE Reading [40] Hours - All learners with 40 Hours (or higher if documented in the grantee’s Local Assessment Procedures) should be post-tested. For any learners in the list that are not post-tested and who have an overall status of “exited,” a descriptive note must be added to the comments in the learner record to explain why the grantee did not post-test the learner before they separated.
- Post-test Eligible TABE Language [40] Hours - All learners with 40 Hours (or higher if documented in the grantee’s Local Assessment Procedures) should be post-tested. For any learners in the list that are not post-tested and who have an overall status of “exited,” a descriptive note must be added to the comments in the learner record to explain why the grantee did not post-test the learner before they separated.
- Post-test Eligible TABE Math [40] Hours - All learners with 40 Hours (or higher if documented in the grantee’s Local Assessment Procedures) should be post-tested. For any learners in the list that are not post-tested and who have an overall status of “exited,” a descriptive note must be added to the comments in the learner record to explain why the grantee did not post-test the learner before they separated.
- Post-test Eligible CASAS Reading [40] Hours - All learners with 40 Hours (or higher if documented in the grantee’s Local Assessment Procedures) should be post-tested. For any learners in the list that are not post-tested and who have an overall status of “exited,” a descriptive note must be added to the comments in the learner record to explain why the grantee did not post-test the learner before they separated.
- Post-test Eligible CASAS Listening [40] Hours - All learners with 40 Hours (or higher if documented in the grantee’s Local Assessment Procedures) should be post-tested. For any learners in the list that are not post-tested and who have an overall status of “exited,” a descriptive note must be added to the comments in the learner record to explain why the grantee did not post-test the learner before they separated.
- Post-test Eligible CASAS Math [40] Hours - All learners with 40 Hours (or higher if documented in the grantee’s Local Assessment Procedures) should be post-tested. For any learners in the list that are not post-tested and who have an overall status of “exited,” a descriptive note must be added to the comments in the learner record to explain why the grantee did not post-test the learner before they separated.
- Participants Post-Tested – Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any learners who are not present who have been known to be post-tested. This could be a sign that a post-test has not been entered in LACES.
- Post-test Rate – Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their post-testing rate from the grant continuation application.
- Participants Pre/Post Level Gain – Grantees should review the list of learner records checking for any learners who are not present who have been known to have made a pre-/post-test gain. This could be a sign that a post-test has not been entered in LACES.
- Level Gain Rate - Grantees should use this percentage to monitor their progress towards their MSG rate from the grant continuation application.
Learner Data Clean Up Widget
- Not WIOA Title II Funded – Grantees will review the list of learner records to ensure that all have been coded in LACES with the correct “Funding Stream.” If not, grantees will update the learner’s funding stream.
- Learners 16 years or younger at intake – Grantees will review the list of learner records to ensure that any learners in the list either:
- Are not participating in the AEFLA funded program and are not coded in LACES with a funding stream of “WIOA Title II Funded”;
- Have underage participation exception documentation uploaded in the learner documents in LACES and an email has been sent to the grantee’s Program Coordinator for review of the documents; or
- Have underage participation exception documentation uploaded in the learner documents in LACES and an approval memo in the learner’s documents from the grantee’s Program Coordinator.
- Missing current PoP pretest – Grantees will review the list of learner records to ensure that either:
- Missing pre-tests that were administered but not recorded in LACES are entered into LACES;
- Eligible assessments that were not pushed forward from a prior Period of Participation or fiscal year are pushed forward in LACES;
- Learners who were not pre-tested are tested immediately. Grantees will need to add a comment to the learner record with a plan/date for when the learner will be pre-tested; or
- Learners who were not pre-tested and who are not currently enrolled are pre-tested before they are allowed to return to the AEFLA program in the future. Grantees will need to add a comment to the learner record explaining how the learner was admitted to classes without a current FY or PoP pre-test.
- Invalid Entry Level of Completed ESL L6 – Grantees will review the list of learner records to ensure that either:
- The learner’s TABE test is tracking as the “subject area” in LACES;
- The learner’s CASAS Reading test has been edited to track to ABE Educational Functioning Levels. (Uncheck the ESL student check-box, open the assessment record for edits, make no changes, click save); or
- The learner is re-tested on an approved assessment that measures ABE EFLs. Grantees will need to add a comment to the learner record indicating when the learner will be re-pretested. If the learner is no longer enrolled, the grantee should indicate in the comment that the learner will be re-pretested before being admitted back into the program in the future.
- Fewer than 12 instructional hours in current PoP – Grantees will review the list of learner records to:
- Check that learners in the list have not attended more than 12 hours. This can be a sign that there is missing attendance data entry in LACES. Grantees will enter any missing attendance data in LACES.
- Review the list of learners for those who have not attended in the last 2-4 weeks, looking for causes of learner separation and opportunities to implement follow up/re-engagement strategies with learners.
- Post-tested prior to 40 or 30 hours – Grantees will review the list of learner records to ensure that either:
- There is a comment in the learner record explaining that the early post-test is a re-tests tracking as early post-tests;
- Any missing attendance is entered in LACES to correct the early post-test error;
- There is a signed Early Post-Test Form in the learner documents in LACES (if obtained before the test was administered); or
- There is a comment in the learner record explaining why the learner was early post-tested without first completing and signing the Early Post-Test Form.
- Post-tested on the same form (within 6 months) - Grantees will review the list of learner records to ensure that either:
- There is a comment in the learner record explaining that the same form post-test is a re-test tracking as an early post-test;
- Any errors to the assessed date are corrected in the assessment record;
- Any errors to the form or level of the pre- or post-test are corrected through an assessment deletion request to the grantee’s AEI Program Coordinator;
- There is a comment in the learner record explaining why the learner was post-tested on the same form, and what additional checks/procedures the grantee is putting into place to prevent future same form post-testing errors.
- 90 day gap in attendance and active class enrollment – Grantees will review the list of learner records, exiting learners from all active class enrollments.
- 12 or more hours without a 90 day gap in attendance but no pretest – Grantees will review the list of learner records to ensure that either:
- Missing pre-tests that were administered but not recorded in LACES are entered into LACES;
- Eligible assessments that were not pushed forward from a prior Period of Participation or fiscal year are pushed forward in LACES; or
- Learners who were not pre-tested are tested immediately. Grantees will need to add a comment to the learner record with a plan/date for when the learner will be pre-tested.
Hours Data Clean Up Widget
- Single attendance record exceeds 8 hours – Grantees will review the attendance records in the list, ensuring that the hours of attendance were reported correctly for the class. Grantees will correct any data entry errors by editing the attendance record. (Per the AEI Assessment Policy, attendance must be entered at the daily level and no grantees are running 8—hour classes. Aggregate, multi-day attendance is not permitted unless the grantee has an approved distance learning platform with approval to report distance hours through the learner mastery model.
- Distance Learning Reported – Grantees will review the attendance records in the list ensuring that:
- The grantee has been approved to deliver distance learning and has correctly labeled the attendance in LACES.
- The learner’s hours on that date were part of a distance learning program.
Class Data Clean Up Widget
- Active classes with past end date – Grantees will review the list of classes, completing all learners from the class enrollment and then changing the class status to “completed.”
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