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A. Distance Learning Attendance Reporting
Grantees using approved distance learning platforms must report attendance hours as distance learning hours in LACES. See the Distance Learning Policy for additional information. Reporting in LACES differs for distance learning Clock Time Model instructional hours and distance learning Master Model instructional hours.
Clock Time Model - Distance learning hours are assigned based on the elapsed time that a learner is connected to, or engaged in, an online or stand-alone software program that tracks time. The software has business rules in place to time out/log out learners after a specified period of inactivity. Hours must be reported at the daily level. No more than 8 clock time model hours a day may be recorded for distance learners.
Learner Mastery Model - Distance learning hours are assigned based on the learner passing a test on the content of each lesson or unit of instruction. Learners work with instructional materials and take a test when they are prepared. A high, or passing, percentage of correct answers (typically 70%-80%) earns the credit hours attached to the material covered in the instructional unit. Only programs with approval from the AEI Office to report mastery model instructional hours may do so in LACES. Hours may be reported in aggregate but must be reported no less than every 89 days.
Classifying Instructional Hours for Reporting - All AEFLA and AELA class distance learning hours should be marked as “Instruction - Distance Learning – Subject Area” or “Instruction -Distance Learning – Async.- Subject Area” choosing the subject area most appropriate to the content covered. See the Distance Learning Policy for additional details.
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