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Learn more about correctional librarianship
ILD's Correctional Library Training
These short videos are designed to introduce key concepts of correctional librarianship.
Teaching Information Literacy in a Correctional Library
Information literacy is a set of abilities that allows an individual to navigate our complex world. Library staff serving people in prison or jail teach the incarcerated these essential life skills that reduce recidivism and make success possible.
Intellectual Freedom in a Correctional Library
Intellectual freedom is at the heart of a free society, and nowhere is it more important or difficult to defend than in a prison or jail library. Censorship of materials for the incarcerated is intended to support safety and security and comes with certain legal and ethical limits.
Library Programming in a Correctional Library
All libraries hold regular events to meet unique community needs, and prison and jail libraries are no exception. For the incarcerated who struggle with literacy, programs go beyond books to teach them that a library can be a sage place to practice life skills that reduce recidivism.
Professional Resources
- Colorado Reentry Resources (CORR) - interest group focused on bridging the gap between prison and public libraries in order to better facilitate the successful transition of returning citizens.
- Libnet - all things library in Colorado
- Library Services to the Justice Involved - a unit of Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS), a part of American Library Association
- prison-l - a Colorado State Library-hosted listserv for those who provide library services to the justice-involved, from youth to adults, currently or formerly incarcerated or detained
- Prisoners Right to Read - an interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights from the American Library Association
Working in prison – jobs in Colorado
Go to: Institutional Library Development | State Prison Libraries
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