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Gifted Programming

Office of Gifted Education

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Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) defines "Programming" as:

Components, options, and strategies that will be implemented by the administrative unit (AU) and schools to appropriately address the educational needs of gifted students. Programming shall match the academic strengths and interests of the gifted student. Other educational or affective needs shall be addressed according to the individual student's profile.  12.02(2)(h)

Administrative units shall implement gifted education student programs providing programming options and services for gifted children for at least the number of days calendared for the school year by each school district.  2220-R-12.00


Meeting Academic and Affective Needs

Gifted programming includes the components and strategies that are implemented to appropriately address the academic and affective needs of gifted students.  Administrative units (AUs), districts, and schools provide varied programming options based on student need, personnel, and available resources aligned to best practices in gifted education.

Programming for the individual student matches the strengths and interests of the student.  Data are used to measure and monitor student growth and achievement and drive instructional programming decisions.  Administrative units shall implement gifted education student programs providing programming options and services for gifted children for at least the number of days calendared for the school year by each school district. [2220-R-12.00]

Articulation Process

AUs shall have a process to articulate programming options as the gifted student transitions to a new grade or school level. Articulation is defined as:  the communication that occurs as students move or transition through the school system, grade by grade and school level to school level. 12.01(7)

Talent Areas

AUs are not required to provide or financially support out-of-school coaching, training, or competitions for students identified in the talent areas (performing and visual arts, music, dance, psychomotor, leadership, or creativity).  Talent identification programming may include school-sponsored  events, mentorships, independent study, and/or extended time to complete school work due to excused absences from participation in out-of-school talent activities.

Concurrent Enrollment

If appropriate, the student shall have opportunities for advanced and/or college courses.  Concurrent Enrollment provides high school students with the opportunity to enroll in postsecondary courses and earn credit at low or no cost to them for tuition.  Districts use per pupil revenue to pay the tuition for the postsecondary courses at the resident community college rate directly to the institution on behalf of the student.

Programming includes opportunities and strategies for the student to plan for college, identify scholarship opportunities, and/or provide assistance for selected post-secondary activities. 


An Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is developed in collaboration with the student, parent(s), and teacher(s) to describe the programming options the student will receive to support annual academic and affective goal attainment. 


The AU's program plan describes the system of supports for identified gifted students who may be not achieving to their potential.

AU Program Plan

The AU's Comprehensive Program Plan (CPP) describes implementation of the ECEA elements for gifted education.  "Programming" defines and describes the program services provided to the gifted student. 

ECEA Rules for Programming

Programming 12.02(2)(h)

12.02(2)(h)(i) The program plan shall describe the programming components, options, and strategies that will be implemented by the AU and schools to appropriately address the educational needs of gifted students. Programming shall match the academic strengths and interests of the gifted student. Other educational or affective needs shall be addressed according to the individual student’s profile. Programming components, options, and strategies shall include, but need not be limited to:

12.02(2)(h)(i)(A) Alignment of the gifted student’s assessment data and ALP goals to programming options in the areas of giftedness;

12.02(2)(h)(i)(B) Structures or type of delivery by which gifted students are served at the different school levels (e.g., the general classroom, resource location, small instructional group, and/or pullout for direct and extended instruction aligned to strength area);

12.02(2)(h)(i)(C) Support in differentiated instruction and methods (e.g., acceleration, cluster grouping and higher order thinking skills);

12.02(2)(h)(i)(D) Affective and guidance support systems (e.g., social skills training, early college and career planning);

12.02(2)(h)(i)(E) Diverse content options provided for gifted students in their areas of strength (e.g., mentorship, Socratic seminars, advanced math, honors courses);

12.02(2)(h)(i)(F) The means by which articulation for preschool (if applicable) through grade 12 is planned and implemented;

12.02(2)(h)(i)(G) Pre-collegiate and/or pre-advanced placement support;

12.02(2)(h)(i)(H) ALP development and reviews conducted through the collaborative efforts of the teacher(s), other school personnel (as needed), parents and the student (as appropriate);

12.02(2)(h)(i)(I) Post-secondary options available to gifted students.

12.02(2)(h)(i)(J) Concurrent enrollment opportunities, if indicated by a gifted child’s ALP or ICAP. To be considered in an ALP, the AU shall consider the student’s need for appropriate concurrent enrollment, available options, funding, and requirement for administrative approval.

12.02(2)(h)(ii) Students identified with exceptional ability require provisions to develop the areas of strength over time. When underachievement and/or motivational issues are observed behaviors in a gifted student, the ALP team, child study team, or review team shall problem solve in collaboration with the family, the student, and appropriate staff.

Resources for Programming

Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator.

Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator